So it’s been 2 years since Mr Winterton performed my tummy tuck And to say I am delighted with the results would be an understatement. So why have I waited 2 years to write a review? Purely to give a completely rounded review. I am still as amazed today by what he has managed to achieve as I was 2 years ago. The transformation can only be described as epic. The positive impact it has had on me has truly surprised me it has given me confidence I never thought was possible. I would give Mr Winterton 11 out of 10 not only for the results he produces, but for managing my expectations. On my 1st consultation he advised that I needed to lose some more weight to bring down my BMI which I did. I held up my end of the deal and he more than fulfilled his. Both the before and aftercare I received was world class the team that work with Mr Winterton are as dedicated as he is and I would recommend them without hesitation. All that remains for me to do is to thank Mr Winterton and the team for changing my life I am truly the happiest I have been in years
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