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My Journey in Joanne’s own words.

I began my research into skin removal surgery following extreme weight
loss which at the time was 15 stone. The impact from the weight loss on
my body was severe loose skin which impacted my life every day. The skin
was physically uncomfortable along with psychologically impacting my
self confidence. I was unable to wear the clothes l wanted to and my
self esteem was low.

Due to having quite a complex health condition, l knew it would take
time to find the right surgeon for me who l would feel comfortable with.

I began my research into plastic surgeons and had my first consultation
with Rob
in 2022. Ahead of the consultation, l remember feeling anxious and had
lots of uncertainty however Rob made me feel comfortable straight away.
Rob explained in detail what could be achieved with surgery and also gave reassurance that my health condition could be managed in a
safe way which was my main concern.
I remembered feeling completely elated that l wouldn’t be left with a
body that impacted my confidence so significantly.

Having been as overweight as l had for such a long time, it was
difficult to imagine feeling comfortable enough to share my personal
journey with my body however Rob made me feel safe emotionally to do
this with his kind and empathetic manner.

I had my FDL with Rob in June 2023. To say l am delighted with the
results is an understatement. For me, it has been completely life
changing. My recovery went well and even though l live over 4 hours
away, l felt very reassured throughout with Rob’s aftercare. If l had
any concerns l was able to email Rob and he would reply promptly.

I have gone on to have a breast and arm lift with Rob in April of this
year. Again my recovery has gone well with great aftercare. I am
planning further surgery next year with Rob which is likely to be the
last part of my journey.

I cannot thank Rob and his amazing team enough for keeping me safe
during surgery and giving my body it’s amazing transformation.

I have now lost over 16 stone and this year I won a national
competition with my slimming group having lost the most weight. I hope
that my story will reassure anyone who’s journey maybe similar to mine,
that they do not need to live with a body that brings them unhappiness,
l would encourage them to do their research and find a surgeon such as
Rob who is experienced with bodies impacted by extreme weight-loss.

I would not hesitate to recommend Rob and his brilliant team
for anyone considering plastic surgery, not only for their
amazing work but also for the kindness and compassion they have shown
me throughout.

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